We can help you become an owner of a private limited liability company (UAB), a small partnership (MB) or other company type. You can take place in company establishment procedure or purchase a shelf (ready-made) company. All our shelf companies are new and without previous activity. Companies with VAT code registration are available. We can also help you register a Lithuanian branch of your current company.
- preparation of the documents for company establishment;
- registration of a new company;
- company registration address in Lithuania for 1 year (afterwards annual fee would inccur);
- valid bank account;
- official statement from the Center of Registers (showing company data);
- company seal;
- general legal consultation, state and notary fees, taxes.
- we sign legal service agreement;
- client (future owner and director of the company) sends us filled in data-form and passport copy;
- client pays advance payment;
- we prepare necessary documents;
- client come to Lithuania and we together go to the bank, notary;
- we register a company for the client (takes 3 business days);
- client pays the rest of the payment;
- client receives originals of the company documents;
- we together go to the bank to open settlement account, solve other issues as per clients’ request (online banking, bank card etc.).