Incorporation and activities of associations are regulated by the Law on Associations of the Republic of Lithuania, Civil Code of the Republic of Lithuania, and other regulations.
Association is a public legal person of limited civil liability who has its name and whose purpose is to coordinate activities of the association members, to represent interests of the association members and to defend them or to meet other public interests. An association may include one of the following words in its name: “”association””, “”public organization””, “”alliance””, “”confederation””, “”union””, “”society”” or other.
The minimum number of founders of an association is three. All founders of an association become members of the association from its registration in the Register of Legal Entities.”
An association must have the following bodies: general meeting of members (or other representative body) and the governing body, which may be sole (director) or collegial (board).
Please, contact our team and we will provide professional consultations, help to prepare incorporation documents or upon your request, perform the whole procedure of incorporation of a new institution.
The procedure of incorporation of association takes from 5 to 10 business days.
In order for us to start preparing the documents for association incorporation, you have to present the following information:
• Information on incorporators (name, surname, personal number, address of declared place of residence). If an incorporator is a legal person – the company name, business ID, legal address, and name, surname, personal number, and address of declared place of residence of the director representing the company;
• Information on governing bodies (director and/or collegial body);
• Information on the director and/or board members of future association (name, surname, personal number, address of declared place of residence);
• Name of the future association;
• Precise legal address of the future association;
• Information on precise activities the association will be engaged in.